Additional Services On- Site or Via Larger Online Group Setting 

Educational, Motivational and Therapeutic speaking online or on- site can be arranged at an affordable fee and reasonable *travel stipend if outside of WNY. NYC and Nassau County with notice can be accommodated ( dependent upon availability) travel*

Inspire Your Staff, Graduate Interns, Peers. and Community to Start or Continue their involvement in an initiative ! 💡Keep Reading….

You are doing so much good in the world!

You are not alone!

I have dedicated my life to working in agencies, schools, and in various other settings as a social worker, educator and managed school building and district level administrative tasks.

In addition, I have supervised interns from Fordham University and State University of New York at Buffalo Gradate Social Work Programs.I have been an Graduate UB School of Social Work Alumni Mentor  since the programs inception ( over 10 years) in New York, NY and in Western New York.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me.
I have a *SIFI ( Seminar In Field Placement Instruction) certification and numerous clinical hours of instruction in various areas of social work. I can support you as a client or in further developing your passion in a particular area of the field, as your career. 

•Train staff                  • Support Parents
•Educate Students      •Offer ⬆️ Motivation
Set up a consult today! Consult fee applied  toward set up of individualized service.
work with parents or students in goal oriented group sessions ( parenting, at risk-  special project groups, advocacy and care- giving, staff burnout and appreciation and education groups or 1-3 Inspiration Sesh  talks ) 

To get started just share the following info below. Please send this through my secure email. ⬇️
Please be aware that I can only work with NYS residents for parents, students and caregivers. Thank you. * Coaching / Consult for Inspiration and Motivation not associated with CEU’s or practice questions can be vetted as to whether it can be from outside state. 

 •Your personal information as follows

•name, copy of highest degree or license & copy of drivers ID copy or non-drivers ID

•reason for interest ( what service) needed and what your career interest

•program you are in, agency or need/ (license/ certification) and state you are certified in or goal for consultation. 

•type of clientele you see or type of concerns)?

A. Meet as an Individual

B. Small Group Meetings 

C. Combo of Small Group and Individual

D. Large Group  ( Parent / Client or Org/Staff Sessions)

Here it is… NEW*** Inspire Your Staff, Graduate Students, Peers, Coworkers and Neighbors or Get Inspired! 💡

Do you have professionals or other people to bring into your group setting ?

*Can be done remote for NYS or in-person if I am able to travel to your location. Determined upon our contact.,

15% OFF All GROUP sessions and special organization rates or if you have your group ready – 4 or more! 

•When would you like to start and let’s speak about packages to fit your needs or as needed!

Flexible Plans Meet Your Needs!